Michael Cohen addresses Prague report: “Mueller knows everything”

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Earlier today, respected news outlet McClatchy reported that according to four inside sources, phone records show that Michael Cohen’s cellphone was near Prague during the timeframe in which the Steele dossier alleges he met with the Russians to plot out secret payments to election hackers. Now Cohen is reacting to the news, and his response is rather intriguing.

Although Michael Cohen has pleaded guilty to nine felonies and has turned over evidence that incriminates Donald Trump, he’s long publicly denied that he ever went to Prague. Now he’s tweeted this in response to today’s news: “I hear Prague CzechRepublic is beautiful in the summertime. I wouldn’t know as I have never been.” Okay, perhaps no surprise. Various people on Twitter then asked Cohen if he had ever been any where in the Czech Republic, and he said “NO.” But then he added this: “Mueller knows everything!”

Here’s the thing. Robert Mueller does indeed seem to know everything. Witnesses have been interviewed by Mueller’s team and then marveled publicly about just how much detail Mueller had already pieced together. Throughout Michael Cohen’s sentencing process, Robert Mueller’s office stated emphatically that Cohen had fully cooperated in the Trump-Russia investigation. Although the SDNY was far less happy with Cohen’s cooperation, that was with regard to other criminal investigations that were not part of the Trump-Russia scandal.

If Michael Cohen lied to Robert Mueller about Prague, Mueller likely would have known it, and would have busted him for it, instead of praising him for his cooperation. So is Cohen telling us the truth about there being no Prague story to tell, or did Cohen tell the Prague story to Mueller even while keeping it from the public? This just keeps getting stranger. But it sure feels like we’re very close to getting the real truth.

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