Donald Trump reminds us just what a disaster he is

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Donald Trump’s failed trade war, failed tax scam, disastrous government shutdown, mounting criminal scandals, and worsening mental instability have sent the stock market plummeting nearly five thousand points in the past ten weeks. None of that should necessarily be surprising, considering he’s always been a massively indebted con artist who’s gone bankrupt six times, and has never negotiated a legitimate financial deal in his life. But today might have been his most humiliating stock market moment of all.

After several days of huge drops, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is up more than four hundred points thus far today. Of course that’s only a very small fraction of what’s been lost in recent weeks. For investors, and for the economy, today’s rare gains are a good thing. But there’s a strong argument to be made that they’re a bad thing for Donald Trump, because of why the market is apparently doing well today.

There are always any number of contributing factors to the stock market’s direction on any given day. But today is notable in that Donald Trump hasn’t opened his mouth for once. No deranged tweets. No embarrassing press conferences. We’re not sure if he’s busy running through the streets and telling random kids that Santa Claus doesn’t exist or what, but the point is he’s left the market alone for once – and accordingly, the market is up for once.

If you’re wondering whether this is a mere coincidence, consider that on Monday, the DJIA was hovering at around the minus-200 range until Donald Trump tweeted something stupid about the Federal Reserve Chair while the market was open, causing it to end up at around minus-650. Investors really do react negatively whenever Trump opens his mouth. In fact, if he tweets something about the economy before the market closes, don’t be shocked if today’s gains are quickly erased. He’s that much of a disaster.

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