Rudy Giuliani just walked right into Robert Mueller’s trap

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If you’re paying close attention, it’s not that difficult to figure out what Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the SDNY are doing right now. They’re rolling out Donald Trump’s crimes, one by one, in increasing order of severity. That way the public digests the fact that Trump is a criminal, then digests the fact that he’s an even bigger criminal, and before you know it, most people conclude that he has to go. Rudy Giuliani just did Mueller a big favor in that regard.

The very worst thing Donald Trump and his team can do right now is to spin the current two felony counts against him as being a crime, but not that big of crime. That only serves to establish that Trump is in fact a criminal, and sets the stage for Mueller to start escalating things. So naturally, Rudy went and said precisely what Mueller was hoping.

Here’s what Rudy Giuliani told the Daily Beast about the two current Trump felony counts: “Nobody got killed, nobody got robbed… This was not a big crime.” Bzzt, wrong answer. Rudy went on to suggest that for their next trick, prosecutors will begin revealing that Trump has unpaid parting tickets. But the reality is the opposite.

Robert Mueller is about to start revealing bigger Donald Trump felonies relating to things like Trump-Russia election collusion, witness tampering, money laundering, obstruction of justice, and conspiracy against the United States. Rudy just unwittingly helped Mueller out by helping to lay the groundwork for it. He seems to know it too, as he’s now claiming on Twitter that he never made the remark. We’ll take the reporter’s word over that of Lying Rudy.

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