Donald Trump throws crybaby tantrum after he doesn’t get his way

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Here’s the thing about this nightmare of a week dominated by bigoted violence: most media pundits, and most of the public, are accurately blaming Donald Trump for his consistently bigoted and violent rhetoric. More specifically, Trump is taking the blame for his refusal to tone down his rhetoric and step up as a leader in the wake of this week’s violence. Trump isn’t exactly taking it well.

The problem for Donald Trump is twofold. First, he’s taking a reputational hit just before the election. The people in the middle, who don’t necessarily care about ideology or policy, and are rarely sure which side to believe, are having a fairly easy time drawing a straight line from Trump’s violent racist rhetoric to a guy in a Trump van trying to assassinate Trump’s opponents, and far-right bigots shooting up places of worship. Second, Trump’s racist caravan lies are having a hard time being heard.

This has prompted Donald Trump to lash out tonight with this tweet: “The Fake News is doing everything in their power to blame Republicans, Conservatives and me for the division and hatred that has been going on for so long in our Country. Actually, it is their Fake & Dishonest reporting which is causing problems far greater than they understand!”

Sorry, Donald Trump, but no one outside your own base is going to buy into this. Mainstream Americans can see that this violence is being carried out by people who are buying what you’re selling, and they’re treating your violent racist rhetoric like an instruction manual. Cry all you want, Donald, but you can’t spin this one. No one in the real world is buying it.

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