Donald Trump flips out after finally figuring out the whole world hates him

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Donald Trump’s level of delusion about his standing in the world is so severe, he seemed shocked when representatives from foreign nations laughed at him after he bragged about his imaginary accomplishments during his UN speech. Now that new polls confirm just how thoroughly Trump is hated worldwide, he’s flipping out while trying to rationalize it all.

Here’s what Trump tweeted today: “The Fake News Media has been talking about recent approval ratings of me by countries around the world, including the European Union, as being very low. I say of course they’re low – because for the first time in 50 years I am making them pay a big price for doing business with America. Why should they like me? — But I still like them!” Wait, what?

There have been plenty of U.S. Presidents who have been “tough” when it comes to foreign policy or trade deals, but they never seemed to struggle in the worldwide approval rating department. That’s because most of the world forms its view of any given U.S. President based on things like competency and respectability, because most of the world would prefer that the only remaining superpower behave responsibly.

Donald Trump is hated worldwide for the same reason he has low approval ratings in the United States: he’s an extremist and a criminal, he’s screwed up everything he’s touched, and he’s a boorish embarrassment. But hey, as long as he can convince himself that the world only hates him because he’s somehow magically winning, then more power to him. The more complacent he gets with these things, the easier it’ll ultimately be to finish him off.

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