New York City reminds us again how much it hates Donald Trump

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If you’re trying to figure out what to make of a guy, ask the people who’ve always known him. If you’re so morally, informationally, or cognitively challenged that you’re still on the fence about Donald Trump, here’s a strong new hint for you: there’s a building named “Trump Place” in the Upper West Side (read: wealthy) neighborhood of Trump’s hometown of New York City, and it just decided to take Trump’s name off the building.

To be clear, this isn’t yet another Donald Trump bankruptcy, or even a building changing hands. This is simply a building that long ago licensed Trump’s name, and is now making the strategic decision to remove his name because it’s embarrassing – and because it’s driving down property values. The bottom feeders out there are going to say “Oh, that’s just political correctness, they’re afraid of being associated with a guy who tells it like it is.” Wrong, on so many levels.

For starters, New Yorkers “tell it like it is” more than anyone else does. There’s no political correctness involved, they just don’t want to live in a building that has a racist criminal scumbag’s name on it. Nor does anyone want to move into the building, which is why the people who own condominiums in “Trump Place” have had a hard time selling their units for a decent price.

So yeah, people in Donald Trump’s hometown of New York City think that little of him. His name might as well be a curse word. In fact, New Yorkers would probably have less of a problem having a curse word on the side of their building than Trump’s name. These are the people who have been dealing with Trump’s Manhattan real estate antics for decades. They know he’s always been a con artist and a scumbag. The rest of the country should take a listen.

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