Brett Kavanaugh is having a complete meltdown

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Brett Kavanaugh’s head might actually explode before his testimony is over. It was widely reported that Donald Trump had advised him to come out swinging today, and sure enough, Kavanaugh has begun his testimony by angrily shouting his way while just-barely contained rage. Most observers – including me – were expecting Kavanaugh to try to handle his testimony in humble and amicable fashion. Instead… wow. Just wow.

Kavanaugh is speaking so loudly and assertively, he’s arguably screaming. He sounds, in all seriousness, like a military drill instructor who is trying to put as much rage into his voice as possible just to prove a point. Early on Kavanaugh shouted at Senate Democrats, “You have replaced advice and consent with search and destroy!” Even when he went on to describe his family members, he was still angrily shouting about them.

So either Brett Kavanaugh has indeed taken Donald Trump’s bad advice to put on an angrily aggressive show, or Kavanaugh has simply snapped under the pressure and the rage we’re seeing right now is very real. It’s difficult to imagine that this is helping him on any level. Kavanaugh sounds like a maniac right now. This is the guy we’re supposed to put in charge of interpreting the Constitution in a reasonable manner? Actually, wait, now he’s crying, even while he continues to scream.

I can’t recall having ever seen anything like this. It’s one thing to angrily and defiantly defend yourself against serious accusations. But right now Brett Kavanaugh sounds completely unhinged. His goal today was supposed to be to convince us all that he’s not capable of the pattern of sexual assault and rape that he’s been accused of. Instead he’s coming off like a monster who can’t control himself.

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