Randy Credico gets poetic revenge on Roger Stone

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Special Counsel Robert Mueller is continuing to build his case against Roger Stone, and today he hauled two of the final pieces of the puzzle before the grand jury. One of those pieces is Randy Credico, a radio host accused by Stone of being his go-between with WikiLeaks during the election. Credico has produced emails showing that Stone threatened to murder him and kidnap his emotional support dog if he testified. Today, Credico found a way to get poetic revenge.

Randy Credico did indeed show up to testify before Robert Mueller’s grand jury today. On his way in the door, Credico revealed to a crowd of reporters that he’d brought his dog with him, and that he’d received special permission to have the dog accompany him during his testimony. This is crucial, because while Mueller is trying to nail Stone on a variety of charges including Trump-Russia, Stone’s threats against Credico represent witness intimidation and may be the quickest and easiest charge to prove.

Roger Stone promptly fired back by releasing a video in which he claimed that he was merely threatening to rescue the dog because Randy Credico was too strung out on drugs to properly take care of it. However, the emails released by Credico reveal that Stone was taking a very different approach, including at one point saying “I am so ready. Let’s get it on. Prepare to die cock sucker.” Does this sound like someone who’s threatening to help a dog?

In any case, the most interesting part here is that Roger Stone appears to be trying to create a reasonable doubt defense by crafting a completely unrealistic, but not technically impossible, alternate explanation for the threats he made against Randy Credico. Stone has previously stated that he’s “prepared” to be indicted on charges that he claims are false. Now it sounds like he’s already working on a courtroom defense strategy.

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