The real reason Donald Trump just announced that Don McGahn will be departing the White House

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We all saw it coming, but we didn’t see it coming in this manner. Weeks ago the New York Times confirmed a ten month old Palmer Report story that White House Counsel Don McGahn had been selling Donald Trump out to Robert Mueller since late last year. Trump tried to put on a brave public face, insisting that he’d given McGahn permission to work with Mueller – but it was clear that McGahn was going to be a goner before long. Today Trump suddenly tweeted that McGahn will be departing this fall, catching McGahn off guard. So what just happened?

It’s important to keep in mind that Don McGahn, who is a conservative extremist, has been spearheading the Trump administration’s efforts at getting as many extremist conservative judges confirmed as possible, in the hope of keeping the Republican Congress happy. McGahn is currently leading the charge in trying to get Trump’s corrupt puppet Brett Kavanaugh confirmed to the Supreme Court.

Most observers, including Palmer Report, expected Donald Trump to reluctantly keep Don McGahn around until the end of the Kavanaugh confirmation process, and then dump him. Sure enough, that’s what Trump is doing. But why would Trump publicly announce this now? There’s no need to formally announce the upcoming vacancy, and it’s not how Trump generally operates. For instance it’s been widely reported that Trump already has a shortlist of people to replace Sarah Huckabee Sanders, yet he hasn’t felt compelled to preannounce her departure.

Yesterday we wrote that Donald Trump seems to have recently sunk to such a rage-fueled low, he’s seeking vengeance against the people he blames for his inevitable downfall, even if doing so gains him nothing or hurts his own cause. So it would logically follow that Trump basically pre-fired Don McGahn in public today in order to blow off some steam. At the same time, Trump tweeted “I have worked with Don for a long time and truly appreciate his service!” That tells us that Trump is at least somewhat afraid of McGahn, even as he prepares to shove him out the back door.

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