Donald Trump has berserk meltdown at one in the morning

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On any given day Donald Trump says and does a number of bizarre and unstable things, so it can sometimes be difficult to figure out if he’s more agitated than usual. But there’s one surefire giveaway: when he occasionally begins ranting late at night, as opposed to his usual morning rants. Over the past week his late night rants have suddenly become much more frequent, as things have closed in on him. So what does it say that tonight, Trump launched into a berserk meltdown at one in the morning?

The last time we can recall him having been up and ranting this late was when he launched into a 3:00am meltdown during the general election about former Miss Universe Alicia Machado. This time however things are different. Trump isn’t worried that his scandals might cost him the election, he’s worried that he might go to prison. So, considering that Paul Manafort was just convicted and Michael Cohen just incriminated him, it wasn’t shocking to see his Twitter account light up well after midnight tonight.

Here’s what Donald Trump tweeted at 1:10 am eastern time: “NO COLLUSION – RIGGED WITCH HUNT!” That’s right, even after the sixteen felonies yesterday, and the fact the Trump himself is now an unindicted co-conspirator, he’s still insisting that this is all somehow nothing more than a nefarious plot against him. Nevermind that his longtime right hand man Cohen told a judge yesterday that Trump instructed him to commit felonies with the intention of altering the outcome of the election.

This is far from the first time that Donald Trump has yelled “no collusion” or “witch hunt.” But to do it at one in the morning, in all capital letters? That suggests that this is more than merely a matter of trying to rally his remaining troops; he’s truly freaked out about what’s about to happen to him.

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