Donald Trump launches into deranged late night meltdown full of deranged threats and unhinged insults

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After having spent every night this week melting down in increasingly bizarre fashion, Donald Trump mercifully gave us last night off. But tonight Trump just couldn’t help himself. He was sitting around watching CNN, which he claims he almost never watches, and he saw former CIA official Philip Mudd get into an argument with always-lying Trump surrogate Paris Dennard. This triggered into hurling some of his must unhinged insults and deranged threats to date.

Here’s what Donald Trump spewed on Twitter after 10pm eastern time: “Just watched former Intelligence Official Phillip Mudd become totally unglued and weird while debating wonderful PARIS DENNARD over Brennan’s Security Clearance. Dennard destroyed him but Mudd is in no mental condition to have such a Clearance. Should be REVOKED?” Wait, so a guy who’s posting a tweet this unhinged is daring to question someone else’s mental condition? It got worse.

Then for reasons known only to him, Donald Trump tagged Fox News host Sean Hannity in the tweet about Philip Mudd, even though the debate in question took place on CNN. This was weird, considering that if Trump was watching CNN during the 9pm block, it means he wasn’t watching his pal Hannity. In any case we’ve reached the point where the “President” of the United States now spends all his time watching cable news and threatening to issue government punishment against the commentators he doesn’t like.

This is literally criminal behavior, and the Republican majority in Congress is also committing a crime by refusing to use its power to remove Donald Trump from office. Trump is now even more unhinged than ever. He’s a severely mentally ill person who’s illegally occupying the office of President of the United States. We doubt he’ll be able to watch cable news once he’s removed from power and sentenced to a facility for the criminally insane. He certainly won’t have Twitter.

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