Donald Trump has crazed meltdown, deletes it

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It’s raining today in Bedminster, New Jersey, where Donald Trump is currently holed up on what we’d call a “vacation” if he weren’t on vacation most of the time. The bad weather may explain why Trump is sitting and stewing and ranting and raving even more than usual today. At various points today he’s ranted about “clowns” and “losers” and a “lowlife” – and he’s deleted large chunks of it in the process.

This morning Trump decided to post this unhinged rant, not one word of which is true or accurate: “Why isn’t the FBI giving Andrew McCabe text messages to Judicial Watch or appropriate governmental authorities. FBI said they won’t give up even one (I may have to get involved, DO NOT DESTROY). What are they hiding? McCabe wife took big campaign dollars from Hillary people. Will the FBI ever recover it’s once stellar reputation, so badly damaged by Comey, McCabe, Peter S and his lover, the lovely Lisa Page, and other top officials now dismissed or fired? So many of the great men and women of the FBI have been hurt by these clowns and losers!”

Well, that’s what he posted the second time around. That’s right, after posting a tweet insisting that others “DO NOT DESTROY” supposed evidence, Trump turned around and immediately destroyed his own tweet because he accidentally typed “text massages” instead of “text messages” – a violation of the presidential records act. But don’t worry, because forty-two minutes later, Trump posted the same pair of tweets again, and still managed to get “its” vs “it’s” wrong. But he was just getting started.

Donald Trump then posted this: “The big story that the Fake News Media refuses to report is lowlife Christopher Steele’s many meetings with Deputy A.G. Bruce Ohr and his beautiful wife, Nelly.” In addition to this being a delusional conspiracy theory, the trouble here is that the woman’s name is Nellie, not Nelly. Also, why does he keep commenting on the physical appearance of the women he’s attacking? What is wrong with this guy?

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