Rudy Giuliani has senile Twitter malfunction

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Donald Trump and his legal team spent all day shooting themselves in the foot on an utterly catastrophic level, and remarkably, Rudy Giuliani wasn’t even one of the culprits. Trump admitted on Twitter that Donald Trump Jr is a criminal. His defense attorney Jay Sekulow went on TV and screwed up his entire story. Even Kellyanne Conway got in on the act. But Rudy seemed to have been sidelined for the day. So naturally, late tonight, he found a way to screw up anyway.

In an effort to contribute something to Team Trump today, Rudy Giuliani posted this tweet at around 9pm: “Let’s get on board for Jerry McCarthy.” The trouble is that there’s no one by that name running for office. Rudy was trying to endorse Garry McCarthy in the Chicago race for Mayor. Okay, so Rudy is a New York City guy, and maybe he just didn’t know the name of the Chicago guy he was supposed to endorse. But, uh.. no.

A bit of poking around reveals that Garry McCarthy was previously the Deputy Commissioner of the NYPD and that he worked closely with Rudy Giuliani after 9/11 – and Rudy still can’t get the guy’s name right. Hours later, presumably after someone pointed out to him that he’d managed to get his own former colleague’s name wrong, Rudy tweeted “Give Garry McCarthy your support.” But he never did go back and delete the original tweet which endorsed the fictional Jerry McCarthy. At this rate, by morning he’ll be endorsing Jenny McCarthy.

It’s not just an act, kids. Rudy Giuliani really is that far gone. He’s flailing left and right, doesn’t know who or what he’s talking about, confesses to crimes in every other sentence, and can’t clean up the messes he makes. No wonder Donald Trump sent Jay Sekulow out there for the cameras today. Sekulow is an idiot. But Rudy would have been out there talking about Ronald Grump Junior and the Prussians at Dump Tower.

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