Sarah Huckabee Sanders just incriminated herself

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This morning Donald Trump went on frantic Twitter rant that ended up being the textbook definition of felony obstruction of justice when he begged Jeff Sessions to end the Trump-Russia investigation. That turned out to be because Trump had just learned that Robert Mueller was making his big move with regard to interviewing Trump. But then Trump’s Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders stepped to the plate and did something arguably even more stupid.

Donald Trump sent Sarah Huckabee Sanders to the White House briefing room podium today to try to explain away his semi-coherent and fully illegal tweet-storm. During the course of her briefing, which was so farcical that it quickly led to her name trending on Twitter, she tried to justify Trump’s antics by referring to Robert Mueller’s investigation as “corrupt.” Oops. She can’t do that.

There’s a strong legal argument to be made that, by making false accusations about the investigation in order to help further her boss’s obstruction of justice, she entered into a conspiracy to obstruct justice. That’s a felony. In fact it’s been widely reported that Mueller is considering charging a number of Trump’s staffers with that specific felony. The challenge is that most of Trump’s staffers allegedly conspired with him to obstruct justice behind closed doors, making it tricky to prove without an eyewitness. In contrast, Huckabee Sanders just did it in front of the television cameras.

Just yesterday we saw concrete evidence that Robert Mueller is indeed paving the way for criminal charges against everyone who committed any crime that in any way related to the Trump-Russia scandal. At this point it’s almost absurd to think that he wouldn’t bring charges against every Trump adviser who conspired with Trump to obstruct justice. Sarah Huckabee Sanders just incriminated herself in front of millions of witnesses.

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