Donald Trump reveals just how afraid he is of us

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Yesterday we saw just how profoundly scared Donald Trump is of Vladimir Putin. What exactly is Trump so afraid of? Is it blackmail material? Is it secret Russian loans? We don’t know for sure. All we know is that Trump was willing to make a complete fool of himself, and destroy anything that might have been left of his credibility, out of pure fear of what Putin might to do him. Today we saw Trump express a different kind of fear in a different direction.

After a twenty-four hour stretch in which Donald Trump’s sycophants ranging from Newt Gingrich to Anthony Scaramucci publicly insisted that Trump reverse the positions he took during the Putin press conference, it wasn’t all that surprising to see him take a step in that direction. Trump was willing to make an even bigger fool of himself today by comically insisting that he merely misspoke when he said he believed Russia didn’t hack the election.

No one believes this for a second, and it erodes his credibility even further. Even Trump’s own base must have been quietly watching him today, and thinking “aw geez, how are we going to rationalize this?” You can’t commit treason one day, and then claim the next day that you misspoke. It would be like walking into a bank with a ski mask and a gun, announcing you’re there to rob everyone, and then after getting arrested, claiming you misspoke; you meant to say you were there to meet with someone named Rob.

Yet Donald Trump was willing to take yet another hit today, and play the fool once again, because he’s afraid of something else. His backtracking today was all about his fear of the Trump-Russia investigation, which has reached the point where his Kremlin go-betweens like Maria Butina are being arrested. He’s also afraid of the rising groundswell of support for his ouster. His own allies are scrambling, begging him to walk back his treasonous remarks, so he did. The trouble for Trump is he’s deeply afraid of Putin and the Resistance. But that’s how things tend to play out for pawns like him.

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