Follow the money: the real reason Donald Trump has kids locked in cages

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Way back in June, a federal judge gaven the Trump Administration 30 days to reunite children seized under the “zero tolerance policy”, with their parents. Because the Trump Administration headed into this runaway train at the Southern border, with seemingly no plan to get these broken families back together, children are now undergoing DNA testing as a means of connecting parent with child.

Is this actually an attempt to connect parents with their children or is it evidence of the grand incompetence of this administration? There are other questions worth asking, such as whether there is something possibly more sinister worth asking? Is it a coincidence that Jeff Sessions has been a proponent for the privatization of prisons? From the need to maintain security to building tent cities, it is clear that there is big money being made at the expense of these families.

We should also be asking if it a coincidence that Betsy DeVos owns private adoption agencies which could profit by almost $30,000 per adoption? Is it a coincidence that children have been networked all over the country, as far north as Michigan? It is no secret that DeVos has financial ties to Bethany Christian Services, the Michigan based agency charging NYC hotel prices of up to $700 per night per refugee. The Government still declines to state how many children have been reunited with their parents. As Trump continues to say that the obstructing Democrats are continuing to obstruct so there is still no solution to the immigration crisis, that answer demands examination.

In spite of Trump’s claim of obstruction, he has rejected at least six compromise plans. Whether Trump plans to use these children as leverage to gain funding for the wall using mob-like tactics, it is clear that either there is something sinister here, or this immigration disaster which has resulted in thousands of kids in cages, is evidence of just how incompetent this administration and its POTUS really are.

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