Roger Stone throws a fit ahead of his arrest

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If you’ve been paying close attention to the details surfacing from the grand jury proceedings, you’re aware that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is close to indicting and arresting Donald Trump’s oldest friend Roger Stone. Mueller has been hauling in the witnesses that are closest to Stone, and even Stone has admitted in interviews that he expects to be indicted. Now that Mueller is closing in, Stone is throwing a fit.

Roger Stone’s former friend Randy Credico publicly announced over the weekend that Robert Mueller asked him to voluntarily appear before the grand jury. Although Credico said that he declined the request, this simply means he’ll be subpoenaed in short order. Credico was allegedly Stone’s go-between with the cyberterrorist group WikiLeaks, which strategically released doctored emails that Russian hackers had stolen from the Democratic Party, all in the name of helping Donald Trump during the election. There’s really no one left to testify against Stone after Credico is hauled in.

Stone was long ago permanently banned from Twitter for a pattern of harassing women in sexist fashion. However, he does still post to Instagram. Shortly after the Credico news broke, here’s what Stone posted: “Special Counsel Robert Mueller is seeking to frame me for some bogus offense to pressure me into testifying against Donald Trump.” So now we know that Stone is rattled, and we know what his legal defense is going to be.

If Roger Stone is charged with crimes in relation to the Trump-Russia election plot, he’s going to claim he’s being framed. If Stone is only initially indicted on unrelated charges, such as financial crimes, he’s going to claim those don’t count because they’re not related to Trump-Russia. Paul Manafort tried basically the same defense strategy. Perhaps Stone should ask Manafort how that worked out. Oh wait, he can’t, because Manafort is in jail.

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