Robert Mueller zeroes in on the indictment and arrest of Roger Stone

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With all eyes on Donald Trump’s longtime fixer Michael Cohen, as he tries to decide whether to cut a plea deal before he can be arrested, another equally important saga is playing out to far fewer headlines. Even as the U.S. Attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York zeroes in on Cohen, Special Counsel Robert Mueller is zeroing in on Trump’s oldest friend Roger Stone. Another key milestone in the indictment of Stone just transpired.

Robert Mueller has now hauled at least twelve of Roger Stone’s associates before a federal grand jury, ranging from his current and former friends, to his employees. No prosector ever places this much grand jury effort and focus on an individual unless the intent is to have that person indicted. Federal grand juries return indictments far greater than 99% of the time, so it’s a given that Stone will be indicted and then arrested. The question is how soon that’ll happen, and we just got a key piece of that puzzle.

Roger Stone and his former friend Randy Credico never have been able to get their stories straight about their communications with Russia-controlled cyberterrorist WikiLeaks, which released Democratic Party emails during the election which had been stolen by Russian hackers. They’ve been taking it out on each other, and at one point Stone threatened in writing to kill Credico, after having previously threatened to kidnap Credico’s dog. Now Robert Mueller has predictably asked Credico to testify.

In a sign of just how spun around these two goons are, Randy Credico now insists that he won’t testify against Roger Stone unless he’s subpoenaed. That’s no problem because Mueller can get such a subpoena with no trouble at all. Credico is probably the key witness against Stone, so once he’s hauled in to testify, that’ll put the grand jury proceedings against Stone at or near their end. Stone has little time left before he’s arrested.

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