Donald Trump goes berserk after Paul Manafort goes to jail

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Donald Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort was sent to jail today for witness tampering, even as he awaits trial on charges that carry hundreds of years of prison with them. Then this evening we got word that Trump’s longtime fixer Michael Cohen is indeed preparing to cut a plea deal against him. Trump isn’t exactly taking any of the news well.

When Manafort was sent to jail, Trump posted this bizarre tweet, in which he confused sentencing with the revocation of bail: “Wow, what a tough sentence for Paul Manafort, who has represented Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole and many other top political people and campaigns. Didn’t know Manafort was the head of the Mob. What about Comey and Crooked Hillary and all of the others? Very unfair!” Wait, so now Manafort is the head of the mob? What is this guy even talking about? In any case, it got worse.

After earlier reports this week that Michael Cohen was preparing to cut a plea deal, Manafort’s trip to jail seemed to have helped focus Cohen’s decision, and CNN reported that he’d begun telling friends and family that he was indeed planning to flip. At that point Trump launched into one of his weirdest antics yet, in a particularly pitiful attempt at creating a distraction from what was playing out.

Donald Trump spent the entire G7 Summit picking fights with the leaders of America’s most important allies, humiliating himself in the process. But now that Trump is desperate to distract from the fact that Manafort has gone to jail and Cohen is about to sell him out, Trump is suddenly insisting that he got along great with the G7 leaders. He’s spent the past hour tweeting pictures of himself and various leaders posing for staged, forced-smile photo ops. Wait, this is all he’s got? The night is still young.

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