Be prepared for Donald Trump’s fake North Korea “win”

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We don’t know what Donald Trump will be walking into when he sits down with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, a devious miscreant who is loosely controlled by Vladimir Putin. Kim may be setting up Trump for the ultimate humiliation, or Putin may be using Kim to set up Trump with a “win” at a time when he desperately needs one. So what happens if Trump and Kim do pretend to reach some kind of peace accord?

We already know that absolutely no progress will be made between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un. They’re both liars, so neither of them will stick to anything they agree to. Here’s the thing you have to be prepared for. If Trump and Kim reach any kind of phony agreement, or even if they simply end their meeting with a cordial smile and a handshake, the mainstream media in the United States may decide to hand Trump an arbitrary “victory” no matter how obviously phony or shambolic the whole thing may be. The media just finished correctly trashing Trump for his abhorrent and failed G7 stunt, and the media may now be looking to briefly swing the other way. After all, we’ve seen it before.

There’s nothing the U.S. mainstream media loves more than occasionally finding an arbitrary way to praise Trump, for the sake of appearing unbiased in the eyes of those observers who think “unbiased” means giving lip service to both sides. We’ve seen the media, on the left and right, heap praise on Trump’s first State of the Union, even though it was lifeless and meaningless and full of lies, simply because he didn’t set his podium on fire. If the media can find a way to praise Trump’s North Korea summit, it’ll happen.

But even in such case, it won’t be much to worry about if you’re a member of the Resistance. If we’ve learned one thing about the media’s bad habit of occasionally handing Donald Trump an arbitrary win, it’s that these moments never last long. Trump might get two or three days of positive coverage out of his summit, and then the media will go right back to focusing on his criminal scandals and depraved ineptitude. Also, due to the cascading fallout from Trump’s G7 debacle, any positive coverage he gets for North Korea will have to compete with ongoing negative coverage for his G7 failure. Help fund Palmer Report

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