Donald Trump’s health issues are worse than ever

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Late last year, as Donald Trump’s physical and mental health continued to decline, the public made such a big deal out of it that the mainstream media finally began pressing the issue. Trump had his White House Doctor, Ronny Jackson, who has since been disgraced and forced out, issue a phony medical report claiming that Trump was in fantastic health. After that, the media largely dropped the issue. But at this point, these past several days in particular, it’s become clear that Trump’s physical and mental health issues are worse than ever.

If you watch the video of Donald Trump at the G7 Summit, he can barely function. He lumbers around like he’s three-quarters dead. He speaks like he’s in a coma. He makes no sense. Most of his words don’t go together. His staff appears to be trying to cover for it by having him show up late to meetings and then leave early. Trump looks and sounds, in all seriousness, as if he could keel over at any moment.

What’s remarkable here is that, with Donald Trump seemingly on his deathbed, he’s now being quickly trotted to Singapore so he can participate in a charade of a “summit” with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un. There is no way that Trump will be able to function by the time he arrives there. Kim is a devious miscreant, and if he’s looking to use this summit to play Trump for a fool, he’ll have quite an easy time of it.

This has echoes of when Donald Trump embarked on a Middle East trip last year. He looked and sounded like hell the entire time, he made even less sense than usual when he spoke, and his handlers kept having to curtail or cancel events to try to cover for his inability to hang in there. Trump is clearly unfit, physically and mentally, to hold office. That’s before getting to his status as a career criminal and a traitor who wasn’t legitimately elected. Help fund Palmer Report

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