Donald Trump reveals his desperation as Robert Mueller brings more Trump-Russia indictments

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Yesterday, Palmer Report wrote that Donald Trump wasn’t even trying to hide it anymore. His scandals have backed him too far into a corner, he’s running out of time, he can no longer afford to keep up any pretense of being on America’s side. Sure enough, Trump went even further out of his way to remind us that he’s nothing more than a desperate Russian puppet, even as Robert Mueller reminded us of just how badly things are caving in on Trump.

Konstantin Kilimnik is the alleged Russian spy who has been working with Donald Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort for years. Today Robert Mueller finally figured out how to nail Kilimnik, indicting him for having conspired with Manafort to try to tamper with Trump-Russia witnesses. This means that the head of Trump’s campaign is now on the hook for conspiring with the Russian government against the United States. If there’s one day in his life that Trump should be trying to distance himself from Russia, today’s the day.

Yet instead, Donald Trump attended the G7 Summit today and announced that Russia should be added to the G7. This was after Trump spent the week hurling vicious insults at the leaders of the United States’ closest allies, Canada, France, and the United Kingdom. Russian President Vladimir Putin desperately wants Russia in the G7, and Trump is directly doing his bidding. Trump is having his most openly pro-Russia and anti-America day yet.

In other words, Donald Trump has a relatively short time left to find a way to please his master Vladimir Putin, and he knows it. He’s more worried about what Putin will do to him than he is about having the presidency taken away from him, or even about going to prison. Even as Mueller gets ever closer to taking Trump down, Trump is too far gone to care.

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