The President of the United States just had to announce that he didn’t beat up his wife

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Each day since Donald Trump conspired with Russia to rig the election in his favor and then illegitimately seized the presidency, the bar has continued to sink lower. The guy in the White House isn’t the President of the United States; he’s a career criminal and a traitor who’s waiting to be removed by the justice system. He’s not a human; he’s a fascist and a white supremacist. Today we reached yet a new low when Trump felt compelled to announce that he didn’t beat up his wife.

Melania Trump has hastily reemerged in public after having been mysteriously missing for nearly a month. Of course it’s not a coincidence that she decided to put herself in front of the media just as it was being revealed that she played an active role in Michael Cohen’s plot against Stormy Daniels; her reappearance is an attempt at changing the narrative. It’s not that shocking that yet another person close to Donald Trump is caught up in his criminal scandals; that’s par for the course. What’s stunning is what Donald did next.

Now that Melania is back, Donald decided to try to spin reappearance to his advantage. During her disappearance, all you had to do was look at social media to see how many members of the public were asking if Melania was recovering from violent spousal abuse. It’s easy to see why the public would think this. Donald is a mentally unstable rage monster, and his first wife Ivana has previously accused him of violence. But the media didn’t go there. So of course Donald Trump is now falsely accusing the media of having gone there.

Here’s what Donald Trump tweeted today in context: “The Fake News Media has been so unfair, and vicious, to my wife and our great First Lady, Melania. During her recovery from surgery they reported everything from near death, to facelift, to left the W.H. (and me) for N.Y. or Virginia, to abuse.” Make no mistake here, the (supposed) President of the United States had to put out a statement announcing that he didn’t beat up the First Lady – and the bar is now so low that it barely even made headlines.

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