Something’s about to break

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Donald Trump’s wife has been missing for two weeks, his oldest friend and his longtime lawyer are about to be arrested, he’s publicly begging his favorite former adviser not to flip on him, and those are just half the things going wrong. He’s frantically trying to figure out how to arrange a summit he just finished canceling, in the desperate hope that pulling it off might somehow magically make all his other problems go away. It’s a race against the clock in all directions, and something’s gonna give. More importantly, some of these things are about to happen on top of each other.

Trump’s remaining allies have thoroughly failed to stop the oncoming freight train of the Russia investigation. Trump has clearly decided that his only remaining hope of hanging onto the presidency is to strike some kind of faux-peace accord with North Korea, and then sell the American people on the notion that the peace process is so important that his criminal scandals should be brushed aside. It won’t work, but we’re all about to see some fireworks as he tries.

So why did Trump cancel the meeting with Kim Jong-Un, when he so desperately needed it to happen? Even he doesn’t know, and that’s yet another problem he’s facing: he’s at a point of such desperation, he’s increasingly prone to sabotaging himself with stupid moves. Either that, or his gradual march toward senility has grown worse than we thought.

We can look forward to Trump trying to hold a meeting with Kim Jong-Un, a mentally unstable miscreant just shy of The Joker from The Dark Knight, even as the people closest to Trump are getting arrested, and the questions surrounding his wife’s disappearance approach Jimmy Hoffa proportions. For Donald Trump, what could possibly go wrong?

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