Donald Trump has a cow

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Late this week we learned that Donald Trump’s oldest friend and former campaign adviser Roger Stone was attempting to conspire with Russia-controlled cyberterrorist outfit WikiLeaks to get ahold of stolen emails during the election. So much for “no collusion.” Now it’s “yes collusion” and “yes espionage” and (depending on the legal definition of an act of cyber war) “yes treason” as well. In what appears to be a response to the Stone news, though it’s too semi-coherent for us to be sure, Trump is – how can we put this? – having a cow.

Here is Trump’s latest bizarre meltdown this afternoon: “With Spies, or ‘Informants’ as the Democrats like to call them because it sounds less sinister (but it’s not), all over my campaign, even from a very early date, why didn’t the crooked highest levels of the FBI or ‘Justice’ contact me to tell me of the phony Russia problem?”

Alright, let’s try to parse this. Trump seems to be backing down somewhat from his false claim that there was a spy in his campaign, and now he’s instead trying to criminalize the FBI’s perfectly legal use of informants to gain information about ongoing criminal operations. But it’s the second part of the tweet that’s a bit mind blowing and requires further examination.

Now that Donald Trump knows he can no longer get away with falsely claiming “no collusion” and his false claim about a “spy” is falling apart as well, he’s retreating to a much weaker rationale. He’s now insisting it’s the fault of the FBI and the DOJ for not warning him that he and his campaign were committing treason during the election. This falls in line with the idea that the Feds should give mafia bosses a friendly heads up that their goons are committing crimes. It’s laughable. It also means Trump is tacitly admitting his campaign was a criminal one – and he’s trying to find a way to blame the FBI for not stopping his crime spree.

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