Robert Mueller says he’s done with George Papadopoulos, and it means someone big is about to get indicted

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It’s been nearly a year since George Papadopoulos cut a plea deal with Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Each time Papadopoulos has come up for sentencing, Mueller has asked for a delay, meaning he still needed more cooperation from Papadopoulos. Now Mueller had made a court filing telling the judge that he’s done with Papadopoulos. This means that a big fish is about to be indicted.

Although it’s never been officially confirmed, it’s not difficult to parse that Mueller cut the plea deal with Papadopoulos in order to get him to testify against his supervisor, Trump campaign co-chair Sam Clovis. If there were going to be a Clovis trial, Mueller would need Papadopoulos to testify that trial. So this means there will be no Clovis trial. Logically, this tells us that Clovis has flipped on someone bigger. This dovetails with earlier widespread reports that Clovis showed up and testified for a Mueller grand jury.

So who’s the big fish here? If you follow the Papadopoulos-Clovis food chain, what stands out is who it doesn’t involve. There’s no direct connection to those who are currently on trial (Paul Manafort), those who are expected to be indicted next based on grand jury movement (Roger Stone), or those most hotly under the criminal microscope at present (Michael Cohen). Instead, the Papadopoulos-Clovis food chain leads us to bigger names such as, for example, Corey Lewandowski and Jeff Sessions.

We don’t know that either of those names is necessarily the target here. Sam Clovis could have flipped on someone else above him. But it has to be someone more important than Clovis. And when you consider that Robert Mueller just decided he’s 100% safe in cutting George Papadopoulos loose as a witness, it means the unidentified “big fish” is close to being indicted. It looks like Mueller is getting ready to land a surprise left hook.

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