Everything is suddenly going wrong for Donald Trump that can go wrong

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If you’ve spent the past several days only paying attention to Donald Trump’s shouting, and the most prominent headlines that have gone along with it, you might be tempted to conclude he’s having a good week. But when you look at what’s truly surfacing this week, you see an entirely different scenario in which everything is going wrong for Trump, and his increasingly bombastic behavior is a frantic reaction to it all. Today, things got much worse for him.

Several major news outlets are reporting today that Jared Kushner met with Special Counsel Robert Mueller last month for at least six hours. Trump is so panicked by this news, he responded by promptly giving Kushner his security clearance back. Oops, too late, Mueller already has what he needs from Kushner. But that was just the beginning of Trump’s bad day.

A federal judge ruled today that Donald Trump broke the law by blocking certain critics on Twitter. This means he either has to unblock them, which will give a group of highly motivated people the opportunity to make up for lost time by firing new insults and criticisms at him, or he’ll have to keep fighting this embarrassing matter in court. Meanwhile, Michael Cohen has been caught taking $400,000 from the government of Ukraine in order to further the nation’s meeting with Donald Trump.

This all comes after Roger Stone, the closest thing Donald Trump has to a friend, went on Meet The Press on Sunday morning and announced that he expects to be indicted and arrested soon. That’s the development that set off Trump’s panicked behavior, which has since included foolishly demanding that the DOJ investigate itself for having investigated his campaign’s crimes, and some of his most utterly deranged tweets to date. This is arguably Trump’s worst week of the year – and it’s still only Wednesday.

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