Confirmed: Rudy Giuliani’s story was “entirely made up”

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Yesterday, Rudy Giuliani publicly claimed that Special Counsel Robert Mueller told him he would wrap up the Trump-Russia investigation by September 1st if Donald Trump agreed to testify. This was easily identifiable as a lie, based on Rudy’s consistent habit of lying, and the fact that Mueller never would have made such an offer. Yet several major news outlets ran with this as if it were virtually fact, under the premise that Giuliani can be believed. Now we have confirmation that Rudy was indeed just making it up.

An unnamed U.S. official is now confirming to Reuters that Robert Mueller said no such thing, and that Rudy Giuliani’s claims about the September 1st deal are “entirely made up.” Also, water is wet and the sky is blue. We didn’t need this inside confirmation to know that Rudy was lying, but now that we do have the confirmation, it’s an interesting lesson when it comes to the media and the public believing known liars when they’re telling easily identifiable lies.

It took far too long for the mainstream media to even begin acknowledging that most of Donald Trump’s statements are false, and even longer to finally admit that they were “lies.” Too many in the media think unbiased journalism means printing what one side claims, printing what the other side claims, and calling it day, without bothering to point out which (if any) side is being factually accurate in its claims.

In addition, because Donald Trump is the pretend-president, and because Giuliani is the pretend-president’s pretend-lawyer, much of the mainstream media is overly eager to treat Giuliani as if he were a legitimate source of information. Yet a whole lot of those news outlets now have egg on their face. They knew Rudy was lying, just as surely as you and I did. Maybe next time they’ll be less likely to go along with Rudy’s act.

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