Robert Mueller has Rudy Giuliani cornered

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Another day, another instance of Rudy Giuliani finding a new way to screw up Donald Trump’s legal defense. This time Rudy is falsely claiming that Special Counsel Robert Mueller told him the entire investigation will be finished by September if Trump agrees to testify. We don’t know why Rudy is claiming this, because Mueller certainly never would have said anything of the sort. The real story here, however, is that Rudy is one of Trump’s alleged co-conspirators.

This leads to the question of why Mueller hasn’t simply indicted Giuliani and forced him off Trump’s legal team. The answer is probably that there’s no reason for Mueller to intervene while Rudy is busy unwittingly making his job easier. But it’s worth a reminder that Mueller already has Giuliani cornered, thanks to a guy named Reza Zarrab.

It was one of the strangest twists in what was already the strangest scandal of all time. Turkish criminal Reza Zarrab disappeared in the middle of his trial, yet neither his attorney nor the prosecution nor the judge seemed upset about it. Palmer Report was the first political site to logically deduce that Robert Mueller must have pulled him to testify against Michael Flynn. Sure enough, it was soon revealed that Zarrab and Flynn had cut plea deals. Smack in the middle of this was Rudy Giuliani.

We still don’t know precisely what Giuliani did to get himself tangled up with a crime ring in Turkey, but we do know that Giuliani was so desperate to keep it from coming out, he tried to insert himself into Zarrab’s defense. The judge wasn’t having any of it, and Rudy has been laying low ever since. Here’s thing: when you flip, you don’t just flip on one person. You have to rat out everyone involved. That means Zarrab has already long ago sold out Giuliani to Mueller. This may help explain why Rudy has so desperately inserted himself into Trump’s legal team.

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