Donald Trump reveals just how scared he is of Roger Stone’s arrest

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Roger Stone went on Meet The Press this morning and publicly acknowledged what anyone paying attention to the grand jury proceedings has known for weeks: he’s going to be indicted and arrested. This seemed to come as news to Donald Trump, who quickly hit the panic button in a manner rarely seen from him. It tipped off that Trump is scared to death of Stone getting arrested, and it’s not difficult to parse why.

Stone admitted this morning that he expects to be indicted (and arrested), and that he’s “prepared” for it. He also tipped off that he’s trying to set up his defense around the notion that some of the charges against him are outside the scope of Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia investigation. But none of this is news. The big deal here is what Trump did shortly after Stone made this acknowledgment.

Here’s what Trump tweeted just a couple hours later: “I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes – and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!” In so doing, Trump took the kind of risk that, one way or the other, will bring this all to a resolution sooner. There was no other reason for Trump to have been triggered today, other than Stone’s revelation.

So now that Donald Trump knows Roger Stone is going to be arrested, he’s trying to make sure his scandals play out more quickly, even if it means he’s ousted more quickly. That’s because he and Stone have been pals for forty years or more, and Stone knows everything/i> when it comes to Trump’s dark personal secrets. Trump must be afraid that Stone, a lifelong con artist but also a survivor, is going to flip on him and reveal everything.

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