United Kingdom bans Donald Trump from addressing Parliament

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You can now add the United Kingdom to the list of American allies that Donald Trump will likely soon be attacking. The leader of the UK House of Commons has announced that Trump will be banned from addressing Parliament when he visits Great Britain as head of state later this year. Foreign leaders in general, and the United States president in particular, have a tradition of giving speeches to Parliament when they visit. But Trump is now officially out.

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The move was partially the result of a popular petition signed by the British people which demanded that Donald Trump be banned. By rule, the popularity of that petition forced Parliament to debate the matter. And now House of Commons Speaker John Bercow says that Trump will in fact not be allowed to speak, as quoted by Business Insider. Although there are numerous reasons for why Trump is considered patently objectionable, his recent Muslim ban (since derailed by the U.S. court system) is cited as the most prominent reason.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump continues to alienate the top allies of the United States. We’ve previously reported that he angrily hung up on the Prime Minister of Australia, something which he now denies. He also called up the President of Mexico and threatened to invade Mexico. He’s been lectured on the Geneva Convention by the Chancellor of Germany. And although his visit with UK Prime Minister Theresa May went decently, it turns out his actions in general have been deemed so offensive that the UK is taking formal steps to ostracize him.

Meanwhile, the only foreign leader Donald Trump seems to be getting along with properly is his murderous pal Vladimir Putin.

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