Uber changes sides and joins the Resistance by taking legal action against Donald Trump

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It turns out car transport service Uber has done a full one-eighty when it comes to Donald Trump. The company had been facing boycotts and protests due the willingness of its CEO Travis Kalanick to associate with Trump politically. Kalanick recently quit the Trump advisory council. And now the Uber CEO is taking things further, joining Twitter and Netflix among other tech companies in taking joint legal action against Trump.

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In a more or less unheard of development, more than a dozen tech companies are coming together to file an amicus brief with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, with the intention of swaying its upcoming ruling on Donald Trump’s Muslim ban. Numerous federal judges have already sided against Trump on the matter, with the most recent judge temporarily shutting down his ban entirely, and the appeals court refusing to immediately reinstate it. But the Trump administration is still fighting the matter, and so the tech companies are taking the legal action against him.

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The filing of this brief, as documented by the Chicago Tribune, comes on the same night in which half a dozen other major American brands used their Super Bowl ads to push back against Donald Trump and his racist policies. Coca-Cola and Google aired multilingual ads. AirBnB, 84 Lumber, and Anheuser-Busch ran ads supporting immigrants. And the mainstream American rejection of Donald Trump appears to be just getting started.

In the seventeen days since Trump took office, millions of people turned out for the Women’s March against him, tens of thousands of people joined their Democratic Congressmen in spontaneously taking over U.S. airports to protest his Muslim ban, Greenpeace mounted a giant “RESIST” banner above the White House, and the ACLU sued Trump and got an immediate shutdown of his Muslim ban. It appears the CEO of Uber finally woke up and figured out the right side to be on.

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