Documents reveal Donald Trump tried to put Ivanka’s name on Trump Tower Moscow
So this is creepy in its own right, but it may also be instructive when it comes to deciphering just how much of a crowning achievement Donald Trump viewed his Trump Tower Moscow project to be. Trump’s seventeen page letter of intent to build the property has leaked, revealing a number of details about the hotel that Trump was trying to build in Russia while he was running for president. The creepy detail: he tried to put his daughter’s name on it.
More specifically, the letter of intent published by CNN reveals that Donald Trump wanted to name the hotel spa after his daughter Ivanka Trump (link). Trump has long seemed to view Ivanka as his crowning achievement, and he even reiterated that sentiment during his semi-coherent speech in North Dakota this week. Trump’s desire to put her name on Trump Tower Moscow serves to underline how much stock, and how much pride, he was putting in Trump Tower Moscow. But it gets weirder.
What kind of man names a spa after his daughter? Who the hell knows. But here’s what is known: this deal was going on while Donald Trump was participating in the Republican primary debates. This was at the precise time when Trump began using the debates to publicly lavish praise on Russian President Vladimir Putin, for reasons which at the time seemed nonsensical. Now it’s clear, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that Trump was using the debates to try to curry favor with Putin so he would allow the Trump Tower Moscow project to get underway. When the financial transactions between Trump and the Kremlin surface, and they will, Trump’s own words in the debate will help serve to demonstrate intent.
And now we also know that Donald Trump wanted to have something called “The Spa by Ivanka Trump” in Moscow – because this whole Trump Russia storyline wasn’t already creepy enough to begin with. Update: we’ve learned that Donald Trump has also named the spa in Vancouver’s Trump Hotel and Tower after Ivanka.