Merriam-Webster and Urban Dictionary troll Donald Trump over his “covfefe” tweet

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After Donald Trump errantly tweeted about “covfefe” sometime after midnight and then went to bed without bothering to delete or correct it, the entire internet seemingly began trolling him yet another Twitter fail. In particular, Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Urban Dictionary both made fun of Trump for having invented an idiotic new word.

Urban Dictionary managed to immediately add a new entry just for the occasion, under the assumption that Trump was probably trying to type “coverage” when he ended up settling for “covfefe” instead (link):

Merriam-Webster took a different, more passive-aggressive approach (link):

Elsewhere, some have begun asking if perhaps Trump’s new attorney โ€“ the one he hired last week in case the Russia scandal turns into an impeachment hearing โ€“ may have advised him that he’s no longer allowed to delete his worst tweets for fear it’ll be seen as destruction of evidence. If so, then he may simply be stuck with “covfefe” for all time.

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