Amid Donald Trump hearings, Kamala Harris rises into 2020 presidential contention

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The Democratic Party and the anti-Trump coalition have a whole lot of things to worry about before getting to 2020. They have to keep fending off Donald Trump’s corrupt and destructive nature for the next year and a half. They have to win a majority in the 2018 midterms. They have to impeach him immediately thereafter. Even so, through the long lens, a number of Democrats are emerging as de facto 2020 presidential candidates. Chief among them: Senator Kamala Harris.

Harris has only been in the Senate for a few months, meaning she wouldn’t ordinarily be on such a fast track to national prominence. But these aren’t ordinary times. She has a strong resume back in California, including time spent as District Attorney, and then State Attorney General. However, she’s entered the national limelight primarily due to her performance during the hearings into Trump’s Russia scandal.

Kamala Harris was the one who helped former FBI Director James Comey to fully paint an accurate picture of Donald Trump’s attempted obstruction of justice when she pointed out that it doesn’t matter what precise words a robber uses when he’s pointing at gun at you. And yes, Harris was the one who kept her cool and persisted when she was cut off by her male Republican counterpart, in a trend that’s become all too familiar of late.

In political terms, there’s a nearly infinite amount of time between now and the 2020 presidential election. But with the Democratic Party looking for its next generation of national leaders, and the 2020 Democratic primary poised to be a wide open race, it’s time to start keeping tabs on how rising stars like Kamala Harris are working their way through the unprecedented current landscape. As Trump’s scandals multiply, the Democrats who come out on top will be the ones who play the most influential roles in bringing him down. If you’re a regular reader, feel free to support Palmer Report. Follow Palmer Report on Facebook and Twitter.

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