Hell freezes over: John McCain compares President Barack Obama favorably to Donald Trump

Is it a sign of the apocalypse, or simply that hell has frozen over? Senator John McCain hasn’t exactly been Donald Trump’s biggest fan since the start of this election cycle. But McCain has been one of the biggest detractors of President Barack Obama for nearly a decade, going back to when the two ran against each other in 2008.
And yet, when John McCain was asked if America’s position on the global stage was better under President Obama than it is now under Donald Trump, McCain answered “As far as American leadership is concerned, yes,” according to CBS News (link). McCain went on to rip into Trump’s lack of world leadership: “”hat do you think the message is? The message is that America doesn’t want to lead. They are not sure of American leadership, whether it be in Siberia or whether it be in Antarctica.”
We’re not sure what kind of leadership the United States is supposed to show in Antarctica, but the point is taken. While Senator McCain tended to disagree with many if not most of President Obama’s foreign policy positions, McCain now seems to be acknowledging that at least Obama had foreign policy positions. In contrast, Trump spent his first overseas trip alienating and offending the leaders of America’s closest allies, and then he proceeded to publicly attack the mayor of London in the midst of a terrorist attack on London.
Senator McCain still seems to be trying to play both sides when it comes to Donald Trump, as evidenced by the bizarre questions he asked James Comey last week about Hillary Clinton when the discussion was supposed to be about Trump’s Russia scandal. But with Trump swiftly unraveling and his approval ratings hitting all time lows, it’s time to keep watch on which Republicans in Congress are shifting closer to anti-Trump positions in order insulate themselves from his increasingly toxic unpopularity. If you’re a regular reader, feel free to support Palmer Report. Follow Palmer Report on Facebook and Twitter.
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