Donald Trump tells Ivanka and Jared Kushner to move back to New York

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This summer, shortly after it was first revealed that Jared Kushner had secretly met with the Russian Ambassador and the head of a Russian bank during the transition period, he and Ivanka Trump floated a story to the press indicating that they had been considering moving back to New York anyway. That never did happen. But now the idea of them moving back home is being floated again – and this time it’s coming from Donald Trump.

Donald Trump and his allies are now clearly trying to pin the firing of FBI Director James Comey on Jared Kushner. Several people close to Trump are now telling the media that they witnessed Kushner pushing Trump to fire Comey in the hope of making the Trump-Russia investigation go away, which would constitute obstruction of justice. But the real bombshell is buried in the very last paragraph of a new Vanity Fair profile (link), which reveals that Trump wants his daughter and son-in-law to leave the White House and move back home.

Even more notably, Kushner’s camp is now making sure the media knows that Trump is telling him and Ivanka to go home. Trump is telling Jared and Ivanka that they should abandon the White House because their reputations are “being damaged by negative press,” according to that same Vanity Fair profile. If Trump has merely been bluffing them on this, it appears Kushner is now calling that bluff.

So what now? Donald Trump is clearly trying to scapegoat Jared Kushner in the hope of protecting himself from obstruction of justice charges. Kushner has reportedly been cooperating with Special Counsel Robert Mueller by giving him documents relating Comey’s firing. Now we know that Trump is telling Jared (and Ivanka) to get out of his White House and move back to New York, and Jared is running to the press to tattle on him for it. Will they stay or will they go? This might be the worst episode of Family Feud ever, and as the criminal probe continues, it’s just getting started.

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