Mike Dubke quits: Donald Trump’s unstable White House seeks its fourth Communications Director

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Mike Dubke, we hardly knew ye. Donald Trump’s White house Communications Director has announced today that he’s quitting, just three months after taking the job (link). As a sign of just how unstable Trump’s White House has been from the start, Dubke was the third person to hold the Communications Director title, as Trump now seeks a fourth one.

The news of Mike Dubke’s resignation hit the wires today (link), but it turns out he resigned twelve days ago and he’d been sitting on the news until after Trump’s overseas trip had concluded. This makes his already brief tenure on the job even shorter. But Dubke has lasted longer than Trump’s first White House Communications Director, Jason Miller, who was announced in December and then held the title for just two days before resigning amid scandal.

Sean Spicer was the second person to hold the title of Donald Trump’s White House Communications Director, and the first to hold it while actually in the White House. Spicer was both Communications Director and Press Secretary for barely a month, making him his own boss, before he was relegated to just the latter title. Mike Dubke was brought in to be Spicer’s new boss, and it turns out that arrangement didn’t work either.

So now Donald Trump is looking for his fourth White House Communications Director since December. There’s no inside scoop on who might get the job. But it’s notable that Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski was at the White House yesterday, on a holiday no less, as was another campaign adviser, David Bossie. In any case, it’s unlikely that Dubke will be the only prominent White House resignation/firing on the horizon. Trump is drowning in his Russia scandal and will seek to use any distraction he can create. Follow Palmer Report on Facebook and Twitter.

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