Clueless Donald Trump admits he didn’t know a drought could happen up north

Donald Trump traveled to North Dakota today for what was supposed to have been a speech about tax cuts. Instead he proceeded to babble incoherently and embarrass himself, while getting creepy with his own daughter, and admitting that he has no idea how things like climate and geography work.
North Dakota is currently being hit hard by a drought. That was apparently news to Trump when he arrived in the state today, not only because he pays no attention to anything going on in the country that he’s supposed to be the president of, but also because he didn’t think it was possible. Trump actually said to the crowd that he didn’t know a drought could happen “this far north.” No really, he said this.
The footage of Trump saying this idiocy aired live on cable news, and you can also find it in the final paragraph of link). We mention this only because it sounds like the kind of thing that The Onion would satirically accuse Trump of saying, yet he actually said it. It’s one thing not to know this kind of information; it’s another not to understand why you shouldn’t admit out loud that you don’t know it.
So today we learned that Donald Trump seems to think a drought is based on temperature, and not based on rainfall. Perhaps this explains why the idiot doesn’t believe in climate change; he doesn’t even understand climate.
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