Donald Trump has total meltdown after Michael Flynn sells him out

It’s taken him twenty-four hours, but Donald Trump is finally throwing a complete fit on Twitter in the wake of the news that Michael Flynn is negotiating a plea deal against him. Last night the media revealed that Flynn is in the process of selling out Trump and just about everyone else in the Russia scandal to Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Now Trump is in the midst of a bizarre meltdown that’s cartoonishly over the top even by his standards.
Oddly enough, Trump is not throwing a fit (at least not publicly) about the Flynn deal, or the news outlets that reported it. Instead Trump came up with this gem of tweet: “Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named โMan (Person) of the Year,โ like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!”
Just about no one believes Trump is telling the truth here. That’s not even how Time Magazine carries out its Person of the Year process, nor would the narcissistic Trump have ever turned down the chance to be on Time’s cover. It’s more likely that the real story is Trump asked to be Person of the Year, and Time Magazine turned him down, and now he’s floating a sour grapes story to cover his tracks. In any case, this strange incident tells us two relevant things.
The first is that Donald Trump is clearly agitated about the Michael Flynn situation, and after his handlers spent twenty-four hours keeping him from going berserk on Twitter, it’s finally happening. The second is that even when Trump is angry enough to tweet toxic garbage of this sort, there’s usually a method to the madness. It suggests that Trump believes even worse news for him is about to leak out before the weekend is finished.