Donald Trump regime in total chaos as bigoted Solicitor General candidate abruptly drops out

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The Donald Trump regime, already thrown into total chaos by the judicial demise of its Muslim ban followed by revelations that Mike Pence and National Security Advisor Michael Flynn have been caught lying about Russian collusion, has taken another chaotic blow. The conservative bigot thought to be Trump’s leading candidate for Solicitor General has abruptly dropped out of consideration.

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Chuck Cooper, perhaps best known for arguing in court in favor of California’s ban on gay marriage, was thought to be Trump’s top pick for Solicitor General – which would have been a severe blow to civil rights around the nation. As if to underscore just how much of a bigot Cooper is, he sided with lifelong racist Jeff Sessions while explaining why he was dropping out. Describing the openly racist Sessions as a “decent and honorable man who bears only good will and good cheer,” Cooper stated that he was unwilling to put himself through the same kind of grueling approval process that and Sessions faced.

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But it was always a given that Jeff Sessions would be forced to answer for his decades of racism during his confirmation hearings, and it shouldn’t have come as a surprise to Cooper. His given excuse, as supplied to Politico, could merely be an arbitrary one, as he sees Donald Trump’s mental state continue to publicly deteriorate, and as the Trump administration comes fully unglued. And Cooper is not the only one of Trump’s top candidates to drop out.

Trump’s pick for Secretary of the Army, billionaire Vincent Viola, dropped out last week while citing his own massive financial conflicts of interest. But even as Chuck Cooper joins Viola in bailing on Trump appointments before they can even take them, word comes that Trump may now be considering Kellyanne Conway’s husband George Conway for Solicitor General – even as Kellyanne continues to publicly unravel.

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