Donald Trump no longer appears to know where Canada is

I’ve gone back and forth about this one all day, because even as Donald Trump’s psychological and cognitive decline continues to worsen, I don’t want to unwittingly overstate how badly he’s slipped. But the more time I spent reading and re-reading his tweet about Canada today, the more I’ve come to suspect that he doesn’t actually know where Canada is. No, really. Bear with me here.
Trump almost surely knows that Canada is located to the north of the United States, and that the two nations share a long border. But it very much appears that Trump thinks Canada also borders other nations, to the north, east, or west. Here’s what Trump tweeted this morning: “Our Border Laws are very weak while those of Mexico & Canada are very strong. Congress must change these Obama era, and other, laws NOW! The Democrats stand in our way – they want people to pour into our country unchecked….CRIME! We will be taking strong action today.”
When he says that Mexico and Canada have “very strong” border laws, he’s talking about their borders with other nations, not their borders with the United States. We know this because yesterday Trump was specifically ranting about Mexico’s “Southern Border” with Central American nations. So this means that Trump thinks Canada also has borders with other nations. If you’ve ever looked at a map, you know that Canada only shares a land border with the United States. It doesn’t share any land borders to the east or north. On the west, Canada borders Alaska.
Is it possible that when Donald Trump last looked at a map of Canada, he thought Alaska was a foreign country? Does he think Canada extends all the way across the ocean to Scandinavia? Does he think immigrants are trying to sneak into Canada from the North Pole? If you think I’m being overly harsh here, consider that yesterday he was ranting about how Mexico had a weak southern border, and today he’s ranting about how Mexico has a strong southern border. He appears to be just that far gone. Maybe he really doesn’t know where Canada is.
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