Sean Spicer’s press briefing went so poorly today, reporters booed him on his way out

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer still somehow has his job, even after weeks of buzz that he’s on his way out, and even after his own boss Mike Dubke resigned this morning. But let’s just say that Spicer’s press briefing today, his first in quite awhile, went poorly enough that it’ll lead to a new round of questions about his job. In fact it went so poorly that reporters booed and heckled him on his way out.
Spicer opened his briefing today by offering a long and largely fictional monologue about how well Donald Trump’s failed overseas trip had gone. He then opened the floor to questions. As per usual, the questions were largely focused on Trump’s exploding scandals, and also per usual, Spicer’s answers were defensive and unsatisfactory to anyone in the room. Then Spicer abruptly left the room, far earlier than would have been expected for such a briefing.
That led to this scene as Sean Spicer was walking away from the podium:
Spicer got booed after abruptly ending the presser and someone shouted "Is Kushner fake news?"
— Colin Jones (@colinjones) May 30, 2017
If you listen closely you can everything from multiple reporters booing Spicer as he left, with one reporter yelling “Come on!” in exasperating fashion, while another facetiously asked, “Is Kushner fake news?” This may have been Sean Spicer’s worst press briefing to date, which is saying something when you consider his previous briefing room incidents involving inauguration crowd size and Adolf Hitler.
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