Billy Baldwin accuses Donald Trump of acting inappropriately toward his wife

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Alec Baldwin has been famously portraying and lampooning Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live for more than a year now. In real life, Baldwin has no love for Trump whatsoever. Now it turns out Baldwin’s brother Billy Baldwin despises Trump just as thoroughly, and for reasons that are far more personal. The younger Baldwin is now accusing Donald Trump of having acted inappropriately toward his wife.

It all began when Donald Trump Jr posted a tweet on Thanksgiving about Democrats having sexual harassment scandals. Billy Baldwin replied to Trump Junior by making a series of explosive accusations about Trump Senior. Baldwin tweeted “Your Dad is a 5th degree black belt when it comes to sexual impropriety allegations. In fact… I once had a party at the Plaza Hotel… your father showed up uninvited & hit on my wife… invited her on his helicopter to Atlantic City. She showed his fat ass the door.”

This response garnered quite a bit of attention, and as the public began asking questions, Billy Baldwin went on to fill in the details. He added “He owned the Plaza Hotel at the time… that’s how he found out we were having a party… so technically we were in his house.” He went on to claim that Trump “begged her to go to AC with him. She gave him the Heisman and he squirmed off into the night with his security detail.”

Billy Baldwin’s wife is singer Chynna Phillips from the band Wilson Phillips. In the house since Baldwin’s claims, Chynna has not yet publicly addressed her husband’s assertions via her own Twitter account. More than a dozen women have come forward to accuse Donald Trump of various forms of sexual assault. Trump has been caught on video bragging about sexually assaulting women when he first meets them.

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