
Dear Palmer Report readers, this is an uncertain time so I'm asking for your help. If you can each contribute $5 or $25 or $75 – whatever matches your budget – to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses, it’ll help a lot. Thank you so much. Contribute here. Much thanks, Bill Palmer

Russian Ambassador to Turkey assassinated – and yes, it’s directly Donald Trump’s fault

By Bill Palmer | 12/19/2016

Rex Tillerson’s ‘Friend of Russia’ award vanished from Wikipedia after Donald Trump picked him

By Bill Palmer | 12/18/2016

Donald Trump’s new pal, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, confesses to drug addiction

By Bill Palmer | 12/18/2016

Record label condemns Kid Rock for his offensive pro-Donald Trump merchandise

By Bill Palmer | 12/18/2016

Donald Trump’s Secretary of State secretly runs Russian oil company out of Bahamas

By Bill Palmer | 12/18/2016

Kellyanne Conway insists profane late night tweet was from “fake account”

By Bill Palmer | 12/18/2016

SNL: watch John Goodman lampoon Donald Trump’s Russian puppet Secretary of State

By Bill Palmer | 12/17/2016

Senator blasts Donald Trump for making China drone dispute worse, making up words

By Bill Palmer | 12/17/2016

After Obama gets U.S. drone back from China, Donald Trump tweets “let them keep it!”

By Bill Palmer | 12/17/2016

Merriam Webster makes fun of Donald Trump for making up the word “unpresidented”

By Bill Palmer | 12/17/2016