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Hillary Clinton campaign meets with computer scientists who have evidence of rigged election

By Bill Palmer | 11/22/2016

Donald Trump tries to distract from deepening financial scandals by bringing back Ben Carson

By Bill Palmer | 11/22/2016

Donald Trump finally leaves Trump Tower, and New Yorkers shower him with booing

By Bill Palmer | 11/22/2016

Newly revised Wisconsin vote totals call into question whether Donald Trump won the state

By Bill Palmer | 11/22/2016

Trump Foundation formally admits to fraud, Donald Trump now faces wrath of IRS

By Bill Palmer | 11/22/2016

Six members of Electoral College now leading revolt against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/22/2016

Here’s the obscure Constitutional clause that could sink Donald Trump’s would-be presidency

By Bill Palmer | 11/21/2016

Donald Trump assembled the media today to threaten them. They responded by leaking it all.

By Bill Palmer | 11/21/2016

Disgraced professor Zimdars finally takes down inaccurate list of supposed “fake news” sites

By Bill Palmer | 11/21/2016

Restaurant, after unwittingly hosting pro-Trump Nazi saluters, gives proceeds to Jewish group

By Bill Palmer | 11/21/2016