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Donald Trump reportedly using paid seat fillers at his empty inauguration

By Bill Palmer | 01/13/2017

America strikes back? The Russian TV station that hijacked C-SPAN is now off the air

By Bill Palmer | 01/12/2017

FEC fingers Donald Trump for $19 million in illegal fundraising

By Bill Palmer | 01/12/2017

CIA now says there’s more than one tape of Donald Trump with Russian prostitutes

By Bill Palmer | 01/12/2017

Unable to get inauguration performers, Donald Trump books Bruce Springsteen cover band

By Bill Palmer | 01/12/2017

Lights go out on Senate intel hearing while Russian hacking is being discussed

By Bill Palmer | 01/12/2017

MSNBC’s Hardball broadcast appears to have been hacked by Russia

By Bill Palmer | 01/12/2017

C-SPAN broadcast hijacked by Russian propaganda network for ten minutes

By Bill Palmer | 01/12/2017

L.L. Bean begs Americans not to boycott it over Donald Trump connection

By Bill Palmer | 01/12/2017

Ben Carson, an admitted attempted murderer, may be Trump’s least awful cabinet pick

By Bill Palmer | 01/12/2017


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