Robert Mueller’s grand jury against Michael Flynn just got even weirder

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Now that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has arrested three different Donald Trump advisers for their roles in the Trump-Russia scandal, the public has begun asking why Michael Flynn hasn’t yet been arrested as well. He’s accused of seemingly every crime under the sun. Last week it was revealed that Flynn is also facing conspiracy to commit kidnapping charges. If you think it can’t get any weirder than that, it just did.

Mueller is now investigating Michael Flynn’s business partner for secretly hiring a journalist to produce a documentary promoting the interests of Turkey (link), as part of his mounting grand jury case against Flynn. Simply hiring someone to produce a documentary isn’t illegal. But it appears to have been part of the Flynn Intel Group’s work for the government of Turkey as illegally unregistered foreign agents. It’s doubtful that Mueller cares about the antics of Flynn’s business partner one way or the other; this is instead an attempt at getting him to flip on Flynn.

This is merely the latest sign of just how much evidence Mueller is amassing against Michael Flynn, in what will end up being a headline-grabbingly explosive arrest when the time comes. Former CIA Director James Woolsey claims to have witnessed Flynn’s kidnapping conspiracy conversation with the government of Turkey, and Woolsey has already revealed to the media that he’s been cooperating with Mueller.

At this point it’s clear that Robert Mueller is looking to drop the hammer on Michael Flynn in every sense of the phrase. Mueller appears to already have enough to send Flynn to prison for decades, yet he’s continuing to build an even more comprehensive and far reaching case. The most logical conclusion is that Mueller is looking to apply these same criminal charges to Michael Flynn Jr, in the hope of motivating Michael Flynn to cut a deal against Donald Trump.

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