Unlike Donald Trump, it turns out Preet Bharara is a witty genius at this whole Twitter thing

With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!

The funny thing about getting fired is it means you can say and do whatever you want afterward. And so even as the nation continues to try to figure out just why Donald Trump fired universally respected U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, and how it may have related to Trump’s own political and legal scandals, Bharara has taken up residence on Twitter. It turns out he’s far better at the whole Twitter thing than his former boss is.

Here’s an example of a typical Preet Bharara tweet, which manages to make fun of himself while tacitly making fun of the disastrous Trump administration:

Here, Bharara jokes about the corrupt world leaders who hate him:

Then we’ve got fun with prepositions:

Here Bharara makes fun of the Trump administration by making fun of George W. Bush:

And of course there are the straight-up digs at Trump’s general awfulness:

Meanwhile the typical Donald Trump tweet looks like this:

In short, we recommend that Preet Bharara seek higher office in the future. Until then, follow him on Twitter (link). And as always, we recommend that Donald Trump try Twitter for Dummies (link).

Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!