Sinking Donald Trump makes himself even more vulnerable by plotting eighteen day vacation

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. As opposed to Donald Trump, who goes golfing. He’s already established himself as the laziest, most uninterested, most feeble weakling to ever occupy the office of President of the United States. And now that the clock is ticking on how much longer he might be able to hang onto that office, he’s decided not to even try to put up a real fight. Instead he’s taking the mother of all vacations.

According to flight plan records, Donald Trump is preparing to head to his New Jersey golf resort from August 3rd to August 20th (link). That’s a whopping eighteen days away from the White House. He’s already spent almost a third of his presidency at golf resorts, but vanishing from the White House for this many consecutive days is a new low even for him. And while it’s not as if he’s been doing anything while he’s in Washington DC, abandoning the city at this time is his worst possible strategic move.

We see the Republican Congress quietly backing away from Donald Trump by letting his disastrous health care bill die, and by preparing to take away his ability to lift Russian sanctions. If Trump wants to survive this withdrawal, his best bet is to be in Washington DC, to use the power of the Oval Office, and to try to motivate (or scare) these Republicans into sticking with him. Instead he’s skipping town.

No one in Washington takes a threat from the President seriously if it’s coming from a guy with a 25% approval rating who’s hiding out at a golf resort in New Jersey. Donald Trump’s minimal and fading control over the Republican Congress will recede even further as he spends most of August hiding from the political world. And yet Trump is either too oblivious to understand what a mistake this is, or too far gone to care.

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